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Edgewood High School

Edgewood High School
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Mission, Vision, Goals

Buckeye Local Schools 
School Counseling Department 
K-12 Comprehensive School Counseling Program

Mission Statement:

To promote a comprehensive developmentally-appropriate and sequential school counseling program that supports the academic, career, and social-emotional development of students with the ultimate goal being that each student graduates with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to be self-directed, lifelong learners who make realistic and responsible decisions.


To maximize every student’s potential by encouraging mindsets and behaviors that enhance the learning process and create a culture of college and career-ready students well-prepared to meet the challenges and high expectations in a diverse and changing world. The School Counseling Department is part of a total educational program that creates a culture of caring and inclusivity that is proactive, preventative, and responsive to individual student needs. 


Goal 1:  To increase student, parent, and community engagement through open and transparent communication.
Potential Objectives:
  • Develop a school counseling department page on the district website and create an online presence 
  • Generate regular newsletters
  • Host community-wide meetings on important topics depending on current needs

Goal 2:  To create a district wide Culture of Kindness that promotes inclusion, acceptance, and respect.
Potential Objectives:
  • Promote diversity awareness and acceptance for students and staff
  • Create a peer mentoring group of high school students who visit the middle school and elementary schools to support students
  • Support positive behavior programs across grade levels and buildings
  • Increase support for new students moving into the district

Goal 3:  To implement programming that increases coping, problem-solving, resiliency and preventative skills of students to better deal with difficult situations
  • Assess what resources would be valuable for students based on current needs
  • Develop a program to implement social skills curriculum and provide additional support for students
Goal 4:  To increase access to resources and interventions for students
  • Identify research-based resources and screeners that would be valuable for students
  • Help students explore different academic and career paths using data and student interests
Goal 5:  To ensure that all students are prepared for a career with the skills needed to be successful
  • Organize a Career Day and Reality Day for students
  • Hold mock interviews to teach students interview and job skills
  • Utilize county resources to provide access to career-related information for students 

Goal 6:  To increase collaboration among school counselors, administrators, and teachers at different buildings and develop a comprehensive school counseling program
  • Hold regular meetings with all members of the school counseling department 
  • Meet with school counseling departments from neighboring districts to share best practices
  • Attend professional development trainings regularly to increase knowledge of school counseling trends and best practices
  • Organize an annual School Counseling Advisory Council meeting with counselors, administrators, parents, teachers, students, and community members